Daylesford Academy

Attendance and Punctuality

At Daylesford Academy we expect students to attend school regularly and arrive ton school punctually. 

All students are supported to develop and maintain good habits that support regular school attendance and punctuality.

We ask parents/carers to work in partnership with us to ensure your child achieves an excellent attendance and punctuality record.

If your child is ill and unable to attend Daylesford Academy, please telephone on 0121 285 3070 by 9.00 a.m.   If we do not hear from parents/carers we will assume your child will be attending. If your child does not arrive and we have not heard from you, we will contact parents/carers in line with our first day absence process. 


You can speak to any member of staff about your child’s attendance and punctuality, but the below staff have the responsibilities listed –

  Daily Attendance

  Mrs C Costa

  0121 285 3070

  Attendance Champion

  Mrs N Capok

  0121 285 3070


  Mrs T Whitehouse

  0121 285 3070

If we are unable to reach you to understand the reason for your child’s absence, we may need to classify them as ‘missing from education.’ In such cases, a member of our school staff and/or our link Police Officer may visit your home to ensure the safety and wellbeing of you and your child.

If there is no plausible reason for your child being absent from school, the absence will be recorded as unauthorised.

Reasonable requests for absence may be considered if there is deemed to be exceptional circumstances.  We will not however authorise absences for:

  • Holidays
  • Minding the home
  • Visiting relatives
  • Long weekends
  • Shopping trips
  • Birthdays
  • To look after brothers or sisters

The Academy has the final decision to authorise absences, not the parent/carer, so we need to be fully informed of any absences.